Elections Applied Electronics Department, 2024-2029
Elections December 2023
The polling station of the Applied Electronics Department for the elections of 14.12.2023, at 8:55 AM, will be held in the New Electro building, V. Parvan, Av., no. 2, 1st floor, A building, room A116.
The voting location of the Applied Electronics Department for the elections of 14.12.2023, at 8:55 AM, will be held in the New Electro building, V. Parvan Av., no. 2, 1st floor, A building, room A116.
Elections December 2023 - Results
Electors List - Elections December 2023 - AE Department
Head of Departament
Mircea Băbăiță - Plan managerial 2023
University Senate
Faculty Council
Ioana-Monica Pop-Călimanu - CV
Department Council